BUGS in Mozilla 0.9.2 (Build ID: 2001062815) on WinNT4:
Author: Philipp Michael Metzler phil[AT]goli*at

All these issues came up when implementing an online-shopping-cart system: http://www.clickshopping.at/test

- Nervous-Clicking-Bug:
Description: If you press the "myCloneNode"-Button several times very fast (nervously :) display errors occur and the rollover-images don't then work anymore.
1. Step: myCloneNode with Qty Input

- removeChild-Display-Bug:
Description: Display errors when deleting elements like <input> with removeChild
1. Step: myCloneNode without Qty Input

- Marked-Text-Bug:
Description: After clicking the delete-image with the event onmouseup and moving the mouse-cursor afterwards, Mozilla selects a text
1. Step: Clone the table-row with the image and give it a "onmouseup"-event
2. Press the delete-button of the new created table-row and see the bug!

Qty: Name: Price: Delete:

- cloneNode-Bug:
Description: cloneNode doesn't copy events (eg: onClick doesn't work in a cloned node: <a href="#" onClick="alert('hi')">test</a> )
1. Step: myCloneNode with Event
2. Step: A clone of this link with event should be inserted at the left

- Option-Color-Bug:
Description: The color of the first option is not shown in the list - the other work:
- BG-fixed-Bug:
Description: Backgroundimages with the property background-attachment:fixed; are not displayed in the cell of a table:
first background missing :( background ok :) second
1     2

Differences to Internet Explorer which are disturbing:
- childNodes.item(i): Description: this doesn't return the same node - because Mozilla also returns nodes with nodeValue 3:
see the mess
compare the mess with Mozilla and IE

- childNodes(i): Description: works in Internet Explorer only! -> use childNodes.item(i) to comply to standards:
childNodes(0) works only with IE
childNodes.item(0) works with Mozilla and IE but of course IE returns "name" and Mozilla returns "qty"


- Rollover-Images with the event onClick="myXYZFunction()" are not restored sometimes, when you click them very fast / many roll-overs are on the page or execution of a timeconsuming javascript is involved.

- If at a frame scrollable="yes" it doesn't display them if not needed - Netscape 4.x und IE always display the scrollbars and W3C also defines it as "always"!

- The window status set with window.status='xyz' is not shown

- Mozilla ignores these CSS-Styles:
  scrollbar-highlight-color : #D90000;
  scrollbar-face-color : #FFFFFF;
  scrollbar-arrow-color : #EF795A;
  scrollbar-base-color : #EF795A;
  scrollbar-shadow-color : #EF795A;
  scrollbar-darkshadow-color : #EF795A;
  scrollbar-highlight-color : #EF795A;
  scrollbar-3dlight-color : #EF795A;
  scrollbar-track-color : #EF795A;

- If you are running Netscape 4.7 and Mozilla 0.9.2 at the same time there might be conflicts with the Talkback Quality-Feedback-Agent. One time Mozilla crashed and it only worked again when I closed Netscape 4.7 also - the Agent was started then ...

- If you open a popup-window from the shoppingcart of clickshopping.at/test by clicking on a product-name the display of the picture is buggy (tablesize/display not recalculated ...) Seemes to be a general problem of windows created with window.open()

- CTRL-N does not always work (if the browser is busy with other tasks ...)
- The color of the <HR> element cannot be set:

